Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

A History of Public Health

A History of Public Health
By:"George Rosen"
Published on 1993-07-01 by JHU Press

Morman's biographical essay and bibliography.

This Book was ranked 22 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Public Health Management of Disasters

Public Health Management of Disasters
By:"Linda Young Landesman"
Published on 2005-01-01 by American Public Health Association

The 2nd edition of this landmark book consolidates important information on disaster-related resources into one source. It is designed to help the public health profession plan for tasks for which \

This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Thursday, December 6, 2018

An Occupational Perspective of Health

An Occupational Perspective of Health
By:"Ann Allart Wilcock"
Published on 2006-01-01 by SLACK Incorporated

Examines the relationship between occupation, health, and ill-health explores the occupational experience within populations and offers information critical to the practice of occupational therapy. Based on extensive studies of human history and occupation, the author takes a holistic approach of health in line with that of the World Health Organization, examining the necessity for occupational therapists and their role in promoting health and well-being for all people.

This Book was ranked 20 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Global Mental Health

Global Mental Health
By:"Vikram Patel","Harry Minas","Alex Cohen","Martin Prince"
Published on 2013-11 by Oxford University Press

This is the definitive textbook on global mental health, an emerging priority discipline within global health, which places priority on improving mental health and achieving equity in mental health for all people worldwide.

This Book was ranked 38 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Friday, November 2, 2018

Safety, Nutrition and Health in Early Education

Safety, Nutrition and Health in Early Education
By:"Cathie Robertson"
Published on 2015-01-01 by Cengage Learning

SAFETY, NUTRITION, AND HEALTH IN EARLY EDUCATION, Sixth Edition, uses theory, practical applications, and resources to prepare early childhood education students for a career in working with children from birth to age eight in multicultural and socioeconomically diverse early childhood settings. This text emphasizes healthy development, including environmental health and safety, active supervision, and how brain development can be affected by issues surrounding safety, nutrition, health, child maltreatment, and mental and emotional health. It also fully integrates NAEYC, DAP, and AAP/APHA professional standards throughout, and includes strategies for how to engage diverse families from various backgrounds and beliefs, and also those whose children have special needs. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This Book was ranked 9 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018


By:"Peter Aggleton"
Published on 1990 by Psychology Press

Written in a clear, accessible style, Health introduces students to the valuable contribution sociologists have made to understanding health, illness and disease. In so doing, it challenges the adequacy of biomedical models, contrasting them with explanations offered by positivist, interactionist, structuralist and feminist sociologists. Aggleton, an experienced teacher, links the key debates within the sociology of health and illness with their implications for health care, and covers topics such as complementary medicine and AIDS. Students are encouraged to undertake suggested activities and are given guidance for further reading to develop their understanding.

This Book was ranked 4 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Ecosystem Health

Ecosystem Health
By:"Robert Costanza","Bryan G. Norton","Benjamin D. Haskell"
Published on 1992-01 by Island Press

Discusses managing the environment from philosophical, scientific, and political perspectives

This Book was ranked 7 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Sickness and Health in America

Sickness and Health in America
By:"Judith Walzer Leavitt","Ronald L. Numbers"
Published on 1997 by Univ of Wisconsin Press

An invaluable resource for students, scholars, and general readers, this highly regarded and widely used social history of medicine and public health in the United States is now available in a third edition. Extensively revised and updated, it includes twenty-one new essays; graphs illustrating the rise in deaths caused by HIV, homicide, and suicide; and a greatly expanded Guide to Further Reading. Entirely new sections on Sickness and Health, Early American Medicine, Therapeutics, the Art of Medicine, and Public Health and Personal Hygiene have been added, supplementing updated sections on the Science of Medicine, Education, the Allied Health Professions, Image and Income, Institutions, Race and Medicine, Epidemics, Public Health Reform, and Public Health and Medical Theory. An introductory essay and a series of historical photographs complement the articles.

This Book was ranked 33 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Sunday, April 1, 2018

Human Physiology and Health

Human Physiology and Health
By:"David B. Wright"
Published on 2000 by Heinemann

This human biology text offers complete coverage of the Human Physiology and Health GCSE syllabuses (NEAB and SEG) and is also suitable for GNVQ Health and Social Care. It is specifically written for post-16 students. These students may have struggled with their main science GCSEs, could be studying the subject with a particular vocational focus or may be returning to study after a gap. This text is written to meet the needs of these students

This Book was ranked 23 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Quality Health Care

Quality Health Care
By:"Robert C. Lloyd"
Published on 2004 by Jones & Bartlett Learning

Written By An Internationally-Recognized Expert In The Field Of Quality Management, This Book Will Serve As Your Guide For Planning And Implementing A Successful Quality Measurement Program In Your Healthcare Facility. It Begins By Presenting An Overview Of The Context For Quality Measurement, The Forces Influencing The Demand For Quality Reform, How To Listen To The Voice Of The Customer, And The Characteristics Of Quality That Customers Value Most. You’Ll Also Learn How To Select And Define Indicators To Collect Data And How To Organize Data Into A Dashboard That Can Provide Feedback On Your Progress Toward Quality Measurement. Finally, This Book Shows You How To Analyze Your Data By Detailing How Variation Lives In Your Data, And Whether This Variation Is Acceptable. Case Studies Are Provided To Demonstrate How Quality Measurement Can Be Applied To Clinical As Well As Operational Aspects Of Healthcare Delivery.

This Book was ranked 37 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Unequal Health

Unequal Health
By:"Grace Budrys"
Published on 2010 by Rowman & Littlefield

Unequal Health asks why some individuals are living longer and enjoying better health than others. By considering popular beliefs about the relevance of such factors as sex, race, poverty, and health habits, Grace Budrys moves beyond factors that receive a great deal of media attention-such as smoking, diet, exercise, and even genetic inheritance-and examines those factors that are far more difficult to identify and track, such as relative income and relative social status.

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Monday, September 4, 2017

Qualitative Health Psychology

Qualitative Health Psychology
By:"Michael Murray","Kerry Chamberlain"
Published on 1999-03-28 by SAGE

`This book constitutes a valuable resource for postgraduate students and researchers. Most.... of the chapters succeed in providing a clear and comprehensive introduction to the various approaches and//or methods, thus enabling the reader to make an informed decision about whether or not they wish to pursue the topic further. The book as a whole is also very well referenced and this makes it a source of essential information for students and researchers with an interest in qualitative health psychology' - Health Psychology Update This book explains the role of qualitative research within health psychology. Theories and methods from a qualitative perspective are highly varied but, in general, differ from the po

This Book was ranked 40 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A Handbook of Research Methods for Clinical and Health Psychology

A Handbook of Research Methods for Clinical and Health Psychology
By:"Jeremy Miles","Paul Gilbert"
Published on 2005 by Oxford University Press on Demand

A practical guide to carrying out research in health psychology and clinical psychology. For both undergraduate and postgraduate students, the book will be essential in making them aware of the full range of techniques available to them, helping them to design scientifically rigorous experiments.

This Book was ranked 21 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Friday, June 16, 2017

World Health Organization

World Health Organization
By:"Gian Luca Burci","Claude-Henri Vignes"
Published on 2004 by Kluwer Law International

The World Health Organization (WHO) was established in 1946, as an essential step in the construction of a postwar system of international cooperation. The authors, a former legal counsel of WHO and senior official of WHO's legal office, have written a thorough and systematic review of WHO in its changing historical and political context, aiming in particular at practitioners and scholars without a specific medical background.

This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Monday, May 29, 2017

The New Public Health

The New Public Health
By:"Alan R. Petersen (Ph. D.)","Deborah Lupton"
Published on 1996 by SAGE

Petersen and Lupton focus critically on the new public health, assessing its implications for the concepts of self, embodiment and citizenship. They argue that the new public health is used as a source of moral regulation and for distinguishing between self and other. They also explore the implications of modernist belief in the power of science and the ability of experts to solve problems through rational administrative means that underpin the strategies and rhetoric of the new public health.

This Book was ranked 13 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Men's Health

Men's Health
Published on 2008-05 by

Men's Health magazine contains daily tips and articles on fitness, nutrition, relationships, sex, career and lifestyle.

This Book was ranked 29 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

An Introduction to Health Policy

An Introduction to Health Policy
By:"Toba Bryant"
Published on 2009-02-01 by Canadian Scholars’ Press

With a strong comparative and international element, this engaging book analyses the process, implementation, and outcomes of health policy in Canada. The author critically compares Canadian health policy to other systems such as the United States, Sweden, the UK, and Cuba. Case studies include the capacity of various health systems to respond to natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005. Of interest to a variety of disciplines including nursing, social work, health sciences, medical, and health policy, it is written for those who are studying or working in the health sector. Features: Examines how public policy -- including health policy -- is developed and implemented, by providing examples of current health policy issues in Canada; Provides various models of the policy-development and implementation process; Explores case studies of health policy issues in Canada, the US, Sweden, and the UK and policy changes developed to address these issues in order to illustrate key concepts; Identifies key themes in health policy and direct attention to the forces that shape health policy in Canada and in other western nations.

This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Women's Health Big Book of Yoga

The Women's Health Big Book of Yoga
By:"Kathryn Budig"
Published on 2012-10-30 by Rodale

Presents postures and total body sequences, offers breathing and meditation techniques, provides advice on finding the right style of yoga and shares a nutrition plan centered around clean, calming foods.

This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword health.

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Friday, March 24, 2017

HEALTH ANXIETY - Great Food Good Health - Anxiety and Stress

Great Food Good Health - Anxiety and Stress

Nervousness is no more odd to any of us and in truth everybody needs to feel restless some of the time, through this common feeling the body empowers a response which pumps adrenaline - the hormone stimulant into our frameworks.

Adrenaline is hugely essential for impelling us on to do testing and uncongenial errands, helping us to adapt to troublesome circumstances.

Today, our lives appear to be administered by always running starting with one passionate issue then onto the next, and tragically this is thought to be "ordinary" life.

This is another superb motivation behind why great nourishment bringing about great wellbeing must be a piece of everyone's regular administration, helping our resistant framework handle the anxiety and strains put on our bodies.

Typical uneasiness has quite often a reason for which we know -, for example, an exam coming up or a vital meeting and so forth, and causes diverse measure of weight contingent upon the person.

It winds up plainly tricky when fear or stress is experienced for no clear reason or when circumstances are esteemed far more awful than justified.

A lot of how we manage it relies on upon every person and their point of view and character.

Despite the fact that tension is a passionate state, physical manifestations can be actuated by it. Beforehand, it was trusted that these indications were 'all in the brain', yet it has been demonstrated that a few people truly do feel torment and turn out to be sick from the impacts.

The most well-known influence is obviously the need to urinate every now and again, of which I am certain we have all accomplished, this is unquestionably myself before flying anyplace.

The most revealed side effect of persevering uneasiness is agony in the back, head, trunk and midriff. A few sufferers move toward becoming feelings of queasiness and really upchuck. Looseness of the bowels, unsteadiness and solid strain are additionally normal issues.

In the most pessimistic scenarios freeze assaults can once in a while happen which for the most part include sweating lavishly, palpitations and unusually profound relaxing.

For some perpetual sufferers it is an awful rehashing cycle, as they can wind up noticeably worried about being on edge, repetitive assaults that can occur over a time of years - this is known as endless tension. In these cases restorative consideration ought to be looked for.

A sleeping disorder is another notable symptom, and this again just adds to the anxiety felt by the sufferer by laying thinking about the issue that is creating concern, making the littlest of issue regularly appear a mammoth obstacle in life.

The best self improvement to permit your body adapt and hold great wellbeing under pressure is to ensure you are eating great nourishment. An eating routine rich in vegetables, crude organic product, plates of mixed greens and a lot of proteins will give you a decent adjust and help to keep your resistant framework on top.

Carrots, and particularly carrot juice is accepted to have a quieting impact on the sensory system. Camomile tea is another top pick.

Numerous vitamins are said to help, Vitamins B and C are ascribed to help in adapting to nervousness and stress, working of the focal sensory system is said to be enhanced with Vitamin E, and furthermore calcium, magnesium and zinc minerals.

So by eating a changed nourishing eating routine these vitamins and minerals ought to be simple gotten to for good sustenance great wellbeing to be acquired, generally dietary supplements can be taken, yet dependably check with your doctor.

The other simple self improvement technique to attempt and conquer tension is breathing activities. Controlled breathing activities quiet and unwind you. Representation Therapy, which I use for unwinding, you will perceive that it is so natural to utilize and how it can effectsly affect yourself and your point of view.

Many individuals who experience the ill effects of uneasiness frequently have a tendency to harp on fears and issues making them sick, rather than being certain and this truly should be tended to. Attempt to embrace an uplifting mentality and be benevolent to yourself, despite the fact that ensure you are not very liberal.

Chocolate truly has that great feel figure and a tad bit of what you favor can be useful, as so can a glass of wine lift your spirits, however utilizing this as a support or utilizing excessively clearly has its own reactions.

Fragrant healing is another great temperament improving cure, as we as a whole know decent notices lift our soul and basic oils are a decent method for accomplishing this.

A blend of lavender, sandalwood, clary sage and basil help with frenzy and nervousness, however in the event that you endure cerebral pain with your uneasiness or even muscle strain include camomile and marjoram fundamental oils.

Why not take a stab at utilizing these oils in a pot burner while having an unwinding shower to free yourself of your day by day tensions.

Tuning in to music is another incredible technique that helps us to unwind, why not take a stab at tuning in to some on an individual stereo or MP3 while sitting tight for that arrangement or whatever it is that makes them feel on edge.

Music that interests to us for the most part lifts our state of mind, and in some cases by tuning in to 'characteristic sound, for example, water, whales and so on can have a useful impact.

Revealing the base of your uneasiness is important to help lighten this issue and talking things through with a decent companion can truly help or in more serious cases a specialist can be of help.

I feel that our outward look on life truly helps or bother our battle with tension for the duration of our lives, and that by eating great nourishment for good wellbeing and keeping an uplifting state of mind can just battle the side effects, keeping up a solid resistant framework to keep our bodies in tip best condition
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Sunday, February 5, 2017


Men's Health
Published on 2006-07 by
Men's Health magazine contains daily tips and articles on fitness, nutrition, relationships, sex, career and lifestyle.
This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword health.
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