Showing posts with label Canadian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2016

HEALTH ANXIETY - Health and Canadian Society

Health and Canadian Society
By:"David Coburn","Carl D'Arcy","George Murray Torrance"
Published on 1998 by University of Toronto Press
Health and Canadian Society provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between health, health care, and Canadian society. It is a wide-ranging volume that moves from personal and micro concerns to a more macro and institutional focus. It includes chapters of a descriptive nature and others with a more explanatory intent. They have been selected from the major journals or have been expressly written for this book. Ninety-five percent of the contributions are new to this edition. The chapters and the studies reported on are methodologically diverse, ranging from ethnographic studies to statistical analyses of data from large national surveys. Though the chapters are written by anthropologists, economists, historians, political scientists, and physicians, as well as sociologists, they all have a sociological \
This Book was ranked 30 by Google Books for keyword health.
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